We are driven by the desire to properly test and translate therapies for pediatric indications.  


Much like younger siblings forced to make do with hand-me-downs, pediatricians are frequently forced to utilize drugs designed for adults. This can expose patients to potential harm and pediatricians to additional risk.


A "one-stop-shop" for any investigator, biotech or pharmaceutical company that wishes to develop their therapy, device or diagnostic specifically for pediatric indications. 

Experts in pediatrics, pharmacology and regulatory oversight provide guidance on preclinical as well as clinical study design.




Joga Gobburu, PhD, MBA
Executive Director


Emin Maltepe, MD, PhD
Director, Product Development

Janel Long-Boyle, PharmD, PhD
Director, Clinical Trials

Joga Gobburu, PharmD, MBA             Director

Jeff Fineman, MD
 Director, Pre-Clinical Development

Vijay Ivaturi, PhD

Director, Clinical Pharmacology

Jana Mike, MD PhD

Director, Business Development



Interested in working together? Here's our contact info.


Initiative for Pediatric Drug and Device development


550 16th St.

San Francisco, CA 94158